Resume Graphic

Graphic Resume


Tuesday, February 26, 2019 - 09:44


Microsoft Office
Google Docs
Open Office


This model immediately reminds you of a profile on a social network. Its header attracts attention due to a background photo that takes an important place in the document, and it allows the applicant to pack some punch right from the start. The information placed on the photo is also beautifully enhanced by sets of fonts and the presence of very practical contact icons. You well understand that you have to make a profile in the spirit of the modern day. Below, information is presented effectively. Each category of information is set in a graphic design allowing quick access to what you want to know. The markers are practical and the icons corresponding to hobbies bring out a fun side in a very friendly way. An ideal resume for all digital, artistic or communication professions in general.

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We wish you good luck for your job interview !

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