Resume Cameleon

Cameleon Resume


Tuesday, February 5, 2019 - 00:04


Microsoft Office
Google Docs
Open Office


This resume incorporates the classic styles and makes way for a serious presentation of the candidate. Its rounded photo frame contrasts cleverly with the impression of seriousness that emerges. With its two columns , the document allows the recruiter to easily access the information he needs. Its colour scheme is unadorned and gives some impression of the will of the candidate to succeed, by concentrating on the substance and not on the form. The right column shows up an ability to present himself in a concise way. Bottom right, the marker system brings a touch of modernity and compels the recruiter to have a good look at the strengths of the candidate. A "chameleon" resume, that could be useful for many profiles where you want to communicate seriousness above all and the solid aspect of your application.

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